In post-World War II Venice, a retired Hercule Poirot lives alone in his own exile when he receives a visit from an old friend: the world’s number one mystery writer Ariadne Oliver. Enlisting his assistance in the debunking of famed clairvoyant Joyce Reynolds, they attend a séance at the faded and decaying palazzo of famed opera singer Rowena Drake. When one of the guests is suddenly found murdered, could there be more at play than Poirot’s logic can explain?
Based on Agatha Christie’s “Hallowe’en Party”, A Haunting in Venice is directed by and stars Kenneth Branagh and the stellar ensemble cast also includes Tina Fey, Michelle Yeoh, Kelly Reilly, Jamie Dornan, Camille Cottin, Kyle Allen, Riccardo Scamarcio, Ali Khan, Emma Laird, and Jude Hill.