A beautiful story from Hong Kong that looks both forward and back with a nostalgia for a romantic form of cinema. Wong Kar Wai’s In the Mood for Love was recently voted as the fifth greatest film of all time according to the BFI’s Critics Poll, a vote conducted every 10 years. The film is a “heart-breaking story of illicit love that pulses with the ache of repressed desire”. (BFI)
“A film that treats the theme of love and betrayal with a theological seriousness”
Guardian ★★★★★
王家衛執導電影《花樣年華》,被評為史上排名第五位嘅電影,係根據 BFI 每10年進行一次嘅民意調查所得。依部電影係一個「令人超心碎嘅曖昧愛情故事,帶住一股充滿壓抑感嘅慾望痛苦」(BFI)
The exhibition will take place between 1 – 2.30pm and 4 – 6pm, including a speech on the history of Kei Po in relation to Hong Kong. In the Mood for Love will be shown at 2.30pm
Directed by Wong Kar Wai
With Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung
1hr 38 mins // HK 2000