Escapes: Point Break (15)

Escapes: Point Break (15)

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Free tickets are now available for our latest Escapes film Point Break!

A quintessential big-budget thriller from 1991, with director Kathryn Bigelow utilising the physical prowess of her two leads to tell the story of an FBI agent drawn into a cat-and-mouse game with surfing bank robbers. Racing from one fast-paced and technically dazzling set piece to the next, with action unfolding on the surf, in the sky and through the streets of LA, Kathryn Bigelow simultaneously relishes and deconstructs the tropes of the ‘bromantic’ action spectacular.

Tickets to Point Break are completely free and available now through the link 🔗

Escapes, supported by the BFI, awarding National Lottery funding, offers everyone the opportunity to enjoy the big screen experience and discover independent cinema. Whether someone that rarely prioritises a trip to the cinema, someone who treasures a visit but only as a special occasion, or someone who is keen to uncover new experiences, Escapes is on a mission to bring new audiences to the cinema with regular free tickets.

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